Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Guava Juice

Guava juice, which will be in this recipe not usual guava juice, Really! doesn't believe? try it, certainly more scrumptious favors and just like this blog title, all stuff being delicious here. I make this recipe for friends that doesn't like the lemon on the ice tea before. Enjoy it.

  • 300 grams of red guava, peeled skin
  • 3 orange Sunkist, the skin peeled
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp syrup leci's taste
  • 250 ml soda water
  • 1 orange lemon, drain the water
  • 200 grams of ice, roughly chopped


Blender guava, citrus Sunkist, soda water, sugar, syrup leci's taste, essence and lemon ice until soft.
Cast in glass.
Serve it to: 6 cups

*image from google, forget whos link on it.


Anonymous said...

lagi gak mud liat juice apalagi es, maklum lagi pilek hehehe
oia mohon maaf ya

Panda PLUR said...

jadi pengen

Anonymous said...

gak enak ini pasti, gak suka jambu, gimana klo bikinin jus wortel + tomat aja :D

Anonymous said...

koki cewek nih..

uih bakalan banyak pelanggan neh restoran nya heheheheh

tp qo english semua yah, yang punya indonesia ada ga ? :)

- s L i K e R s - said...

Setubuh sama cumie, saya jg ga suka jambu.. :D Wortel + tomat juga ga suka.. :D

Jus orens aja deh saya mah... :D

Anonymous said...

wew...enak niy...
mau dunkzzz dibikinin jus kayak gtu..^^

Oya,tuker link yuk?
Klo uda pasang link saya,kasi tau ya..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, nice guava juice :) Would you make it for me? :)) Hehehe..

Anonymous said...

Why do you write in english? i can't understand, why don't you join Google Adsense while your blog is in english, it must more potential to make money than local ads, get it's guide in my blog... hey i've been put your link in my blog list.... (bhs inggrisku bener gak... hahaha... )

- s L i K e R s - said...

Alo - alo, mampir malem minggu sambil drop e-card nya, hehe.. gmn? apakah ada peningkatan trafik? :)

Anonymous said...

disini blom disediain testernya ya ???

Anonymous said...

mak jang dah ada entre nya bah :D

Nyante Aza Lae said...

red guava nyarinya dimana mbak?
di t4ku keknya lum ada tuh..hiks..

Anonymous said...

b.indo za pank...

# soulharmony
ada dia...

Anonymous said...

wah pasti banyak suami, :) habis jago bikin resep :P

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